Coadjuvant with natural yeast
Origin 900

Origine 900 is a natural yeast-based adjuvant for bakery and pastry.

Simple to use, it guarantees the baker consistency and quality in the result.

Used at 3% it is suitable for processing with the direct method, where, with only two hours of leavening, it allows to obtain a crunchy and soft bread.

The high content of natural yeast gives the bread the taste, aromas and crunchiness typical of long processing.

It is suitable for all types of bread as well as for use in the cold room and cold cycles.

Bread can be labeled as: 'Sourdough Bread'.



Via per Trescore Cremasco, 28
26020 Palazzo Pignano (CR)
Tel. 0373 982417 - Fax 0373 982462



P. IVA: 00415290196